落語研究会 落語パフォーマンス- Tsukuba Ochiken, Rakugo performance – 1/20 Fri

落語研究会 落語パフォーマンス- Tsukuba Ochiken, Rakugo performance – 1/20 Fri


On January 20th (Friday), the final day of the Japanese Culture WEEK (1/17-1/20), the Rakugo Research Group -Ochiken- will perform at the Student Commons.
Rakugo is a traditional Japanese performing art with a history dating back to the Edo period. The rakugo storyteller sits down, uses folding fans and towels as props, and plays several characters to tell the story. Even if it is the same story, its color will differ depending on the skill and personality of the rakugo performer.
On this opportunity, the Ochiken will perform 2 pieces. Please feel free to enjoy the world of rakugo!

日時 2023年1月20日金曜日 11:30~12:15
場所 スチューデント・コモンズ (1A203 (MAP))
参加 要事前予約→予約フォーム
言語 日本語

Date: Friday, January 20th, 2023, 11:30-12:15
Place: Student Commons (1A203 (MAP))
Participation: Register HERE
Language: Japanese

This event is part of the Japanese Culture WEEK (1/17-1/20).


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