
Information for Short-term Exchange Students/短期留学生向け案内ページ

Nomination/Application for Exchange program

You can visit our university’s official website to find the nomination/application details.

Q&A For Applicants of exchange program / 短期留学プログラム出願手続きについてのQ&A

For Exchange Students who are currently enrolled

<Procedure after arrival 到着後の手続き>

【重要】Submission of Information Entry Form and ID card images / 短期留学生情報入力フォームと身分証画像の提出について

<Issuance of Certificates 証明書の発行について>

Please refer to ”How to request Certificates” and apply to us via email.


<Notice upon end of enrollment 在籍終了・帰国時の案内について>

 Approximately two months prior to the end of your enrollment, we will send you an email regarding departure from Tsukuba, so please check the contents carefully.  在籍終了の約2か月前に案内メールをお送りしますので、内容をよくご確認ください。

Contact Information / 連絡先

If you have any questions or inquiry after referring to our FAQ, you can email us to the following address. Q&Aを確認後、質問や問い合わせ事項がある場合には、下記にご連絡ください。

Division of Student Exchange (Incoming short-term exchange section) 学生交流課(短期留学)

For application matters 出願受付専用


For enrolled students 在籍中の短期留学生はこちら 


*please replace # to @.

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