Things to know before coming to Japan as an exchange student
This page is only for exchange students who are officially notified acceptance.

1.Notification of Acceptance/受入許可通知
Please download documents below as soon as you receive notification e-mail.
Documents | Details |
1.Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) | The format of Certificate of Eligibility has changed to “electronic version” from printed version. |
2.Letter of Acceptance | |
3.Exchange Student Status Information | Check your student status information carefully. Student ID number, Affiliation, Academic Advisor, Student Status, Enrollment Period, Tuition Fee, Result for JASSO Schorship, etc |
(4. JASSO Scholarship Information) | Only for those who have been selected as a recipient |
書類 | 詳細 |
1. 在留資格認定証明書(CoE) | 在留資格認定証明書の形式が、紙媒体から電子媒体に変わりました。 |
2.受入許可書 | |
3.交換留学身分情報 | 学生身分をよく確認してください。 学籍番号、所属、指導教員、学生身分、受入期間、授業料、JASSO奨学金結果 等 |
(4.JASSO奨学金情報) | 受給者として選ばれた方のみ |
2.Visa Application/査証申請
All exchange students must obtain a “Student visa” to enter Japan.
Step1. Prepare necessary documents to apply for student visa
・Visa application form → download the form from websites of Japanese Embassies and Consulates.
・Certificate of Eligibility
・Letter of Acceptance
・Valid passport
・Handling charge
・(if required) Additional docuements
Step2. Apply for and Obtain a visa at a Japanese embassy or consulate
Websites of Japanese Embassies, Consulates and Permanent Missions | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Step3. Undergo immigration inspection and enter Japan
At Narita Internatilnal Airport, Haneda Airport, Central Japan International Airport and Kansai international airport,
besides having a seal of landing verification stamped in your passport, a residence card will be issued for mid-to-long term residents (those whose period of stay is more than 3 months) .
At these airports, there are special lanes dedicated only to those waiting for residence cards to be issued.
<<Note when you fill in visa application forms>>
■Names and addresses of hotels or persons with whom applicant intends to stay Please fill in the form below.
Name: Ichinoya Residence Hall
Address: 2 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006 Japan.
Tel: check in the e-mail.
■Guarantor / inviter or reference in Japan
Since the CoE (for “Student Visa”) states that you are accepted at our univerisity, it’s not mandatory for you to fill out this section.
Step1. 留学ビザ申請書類を準備する
・ビザ申請書 → 在外公館のページからダウンロードしてください
Step2. 日本大使館または領事館でビザを申請し発給を受ける
Step3. 入国審査を受け、日本に入国する
住所:〒305-0006 茨城県つくば市天王台2丁目
3.Health Concerns/健康上のこと
Details | |
Medical Certificate | When you are from overseas, seeing a doctor can be difficult without a medical certificate, especially if you have a severe or chronic illness. It is the student’s responsibility to prepare and bring medical certificates in English or any important information related to your health. |
Vaccinations | If you have not been received the following vaccinations, we strongly recommend that you get them before you come to Japan. tuberculosis, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, rubella, and diphtheria |
Bringing Medicines | To import medicines from overseas is subject to control by law to prevent health hazard caused by defective products. When you enter into Japan, procedures should be done depending on your bringing medicines even if you have medicines for personal use. Details can be found from MHLW’s website. |
Heath Center (on-Campus) | All registered students are eligible to receive professional counseling at the Student Health Center. Services include free health examination for international students and charged medical consultation. |
Consult with your doctor and find a hospital (off-Campus) | Students who go to the hospital regularly are suggested to go to the hospital directly with the necessary documents such as medical certificates or any other important information related to your health in English. Please consult with primary doctor and then search and find the hospital you will go to in Japan by yourselves in advance |
詳細 | |
診断書 | 海外から来日する場合、重い病気や持病がある場合は特に、診断書がないと受診が難しい場合があります。 英文の診断書や健康に関する重要な情報は、各自の責任において準備し、持参してください。 |
予防接種 | 以下の予防接種を受けていない場合は、来日前に予防接種を受けることを強くお勧めします。 結核、百日咳、破傷風、麻疹、風疹、ジフテリア |
医薬品の持ち込み | 海外から医薬品を輸入する場合、不良品による健康被害を防止するため、法律で規制されています。 日本に入国する際には、個人で使用する医薬品であっても、持ち込む医薬品によって手続きが必要です。 詳細は厚生労働省のWebサイトをご確認ください。 |
保健管理センター (学内) | キャンパス内の保健管理センターで専門的なカウンセリングを受けることができます。 留学生健康診査(無料)、医療相談(有料)などがあります。 |
主治医と相談し、病院を探す (学外) | 定期的に通院される学生は、診断書などの英文の必要書類や健康に関する重要な情報を持参し、 直接病院に行くことをお勧めします。 主治医と相談の上、日本で受診する病院を事前に調べて見つけてください。 |
Insurance | Details |
Travel insurance Study abroad insurance | The National Health Insurance plan only partially covers medical expenses incurred in Japan. Therefore, we strongly advise all international students to purchase insurance in your home country before your departure. For details on insurance policies, please consult the exchange programs advisor of your home university or health insurance agent. ※Students staying in Japan for less than 3 months They are required to enroll in insurance on your own since they cannot enroll in National Health Insurance (NHI). |
National Health Insurance (NHI) ※mandatory for all | (All students staying in Japan for more than 3 months) ・Coverage:70 percent of your incurred medical costs ・Premium:20,000 yen for one year ・Place of procedure:City Hall |
Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research Activities (Gakkensai) ※mandatory for all | We require all international students to enroll in this insurance (called Gakkensai) so that you can engage in educational research, as well as extra-curricular activities. ・Coverage:Accidents on-campus (excluding Student Residence Hall) activities, and off- campus extracurricular activities that are registered at the university. ・Premium:approximately 1,000~2,000yen for a year. ・Place of procedure:Japan Post Bank and Academic Service Office |
Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with “Gakkensai” For International Students ※Option | This is an optional plan for those who are enrolled in GAKKENSAI. Recommended for those who want more substantial coverage. ・Coverage: Indemnity Liability, Injury, illness, Rescuer expenses, Death, residual disability ・Premium:depending the insurance period You can see more details in the documents of orientation package. |
保険 | 詳細 |
旅行保険 留学保険 | 国民健康保険は、日本でかかった医療費の一部しかカバーしません。 したがって、留学生の皆さんには、出発前に自国で保険に加入することを強くお勧めします。 保険の詳細については、留学先の大学の交換留学アドバイザー、または代理店にご相談ください。 ※滞在期間が3か月未満の学生 国民健康保険に加入できないため、必ず任意の保険に加入してください。 |
国民健康保険 (NHI) ※加入必須 | ※滞在期間が3か月以上の学生 補償内容:かかった医療費の70% 保険料:年間で約2万円 手続き場所:市役所 |
教育研究活動留学生傷害保険 (学研災) ※加入必須 | 学研災は、教育研究や課外活動に参加するために、すべての留学生に加入を義務づけている保険です。 補償内容:学内(学生宿舎を除く)活動および学外での課外活動のうち、本学に登録されているものでの事故 教育研究活動や課外活動を行うために、すべての留学生に加入を義務づけています。 保険料:年間で1,000~2,000円程度 手続き場所:郵便局及び各エリア支援室 |
学研災付帯留学生生活総合保険 ※任意 | 学研災に加入されている方向けのオプションプランです。より充実した補償をご希望の方におすすめ。 補償内容:賠償責任、傷害・疾病、救援者費用、死亡・後遺障害 保険料:保険期間による 詳しくはオリエンテーションの資料をご覧ください。 |
5.Preparation before Departure/出発準備
Cash and credit card | You must have adequate financial resources to cover rent, premiums for health insurance, and other expenses. ※We recommend changing currency to Japanese Yen before departure. (Narita and Haneda Airport may be crowded. There is only one exchange counter office in Tsukuba City.) |
SIM Card | Please check SIM card available in Japan by your self in advance. Credit card (bank account) may be needed upon signing-up. |
Photos of yourself (40 mm long 30 mm wide) | You may need them for various documents in Japan. Requirements: ・High-resolution color or black and white photos. ・Full face view with your head and shoulders at the center of the photo. ・Taken on a white background and printed on photo paper. (Photocopied, scanned, or digitally altered photographs will not be accepted.) |
You must not bring any meat products, vegetables or fruit into Japan.
In recent years, the penalties for bringing in prohibited items have been increased.
Check your baggage to make sure you do not have any prohibited items
Please visit here for further information.
現金とクレジットカード | 宿舎費や健康保険料、そのほかの費用を支払うのに十分な現金を持ってきてください。 ※両替については、出発前に行う事をおすすめします。 (到着後の成田空港や羽田空港は混雑している可能性があります。つくば市内には両替所は1つしかありません。) |
SIMカード | 日本で利用可能なSIMカードを事前に自分で調べてください。 契約に際し、クレジットカード(銀行口座)が必要な場合があります。 |
証明写真 (縦40mm 横30mm) | 日本での様々な書類で必要となる場合があります。 要件: ・高解像度のカラーまたはモノクロ写真。 ・頭部と肩が中央にくるように撮影されたもの。 ・白背景で撮影し、写真用紙にプリントしたもの。 (コピー、スキャン、デジタル加工したものは不可) |
6.Student Counseling/学生相談
Details | |
Consultation Desk (Available before/after arrival) | You can talk to consultation desk in our university about reasonable accomodation and necessary support. Please use the following website to make inquiries. Consultation Desk | University of Tsukuba BHE – Bureau of Human Empowerment Promotion |
Advisory Room (Available after arrival) | The Student Support Center offers advisory services for students who are confronted with problems concerning academic matters, daily life, financial matters, etc… Student Counseling – University of Tsukuba |
Academic Advisor | Academic advisor will work closely with students and provide necessary information, academic assistance, and other supports. Please contact your advisor soon after your arrival. You can find the information of academic advisor in Exchange Student Status Information. |
詳細 | |
学生相談室 (到着前でも後でも利用可) | 本学には合理的配慮や必要な支援について事前に相談できる窓口があります。 下記のサイトから問い合わせることができるので、ご活用ください。 Consultation Desk | University of Tsukuba BHE – Bureau of Human Empowerment Promotion |
学生相談室 (到着後利用可) | 学生支援センターでは、学業、生活、経済など、さまざまな問題に直面している学生の相談に応じています。 学生相談 – 筑波大学 |
指導教員 | 指導教員は学生と密接に協力し、必要な情報や学業支援、その他のサポートを提供します。 到着後すぐに指導教員に連絡してください。 指導教員の情報は、Exchange Student Status Informationに掲載されています。 |
7.On-Campus Housing/学生宿舎
Please refer to here for information such as facilities and costs.
Room number and move-in date will be announced around 2 weeks before designated arrival date.
Basically, the residence hall room cannot be changed.
If you have any questions, please ask the Residence Hall office AFTER your arrival.
8.Student Tutor/チューター
※Students who start the program between April and January Only.
A regular degree student will be assigned as a tutor.
They will help you to set in a new study environment after your arrival.
Around 2weeks before designated arrival date
Tutor information will be provided by us.
Before your departure
Your tutor will contact you prior to your arrival.
If you do not get any e-mails from your tutor by your departure, please contact us.
If there are any changes to the flight information
Please inform us and your tutor of the latest flight information.
Tutors are also students and have their own assignments and student life.
Please respect each other and estabish a good relationship to share precious and limited time together.
▶For students who enroll in April 2025
Orientation | Date, Time, Venue | Handout, Contents |
Arrival Orientation by Division of Student Exchange (mandatory) | Date: April 4, 2025 (Fri.) Time:10:00 (reception:9:45~) Venue:2H201 (Access) | ・Student ID card ・Important documents ・UTID/PWD |
Academic Service Office Orientaion (mandatory) | Depending on your affiliation. (See attachment file in our email) | ・Course/Research registration ・Payment of tuition (if applicable) etc… |
JASSO Orientation (Recipient Only) | Date: April 4, 2025 (Fri.) Time:9:30 Venue:2H201 (Access) | ・Certificate of Recipient ・How to open bank account |
Library Orientation | (coming soon…) | For International Students | 筑波大学附属図書館 |
▶For students who are enrolled in any month other than April and October
Orientation | Date, Time, Venue | |
Arrival Orientation (JASSO Orientation) | Come to our office (Building 1A, 1st floor 101) during office hours on the business day following your arrival date. (with your tutor) Please notify us your visit date and time in advance. | ・Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am~11:30am, 1:30pm~4:30pm (closed on Sat., Sun., and holidays) ・Building 1A, 1st floor 101:Access |
Academic Service Office Orientaion | Visit academic service office soon after Arrival Orientation |
オリエンテーション | 日時、場所 | 配布物、内容 |
学生交流課による到着オリエンテーション (必須) | 日にち:2025年4月4日(金) 時間:10:00 (受付:9:45~) 場所:2H201 (アクセス) | ・学生証 ・重要書類 ・統一認証システム情報 |
支援室オリエンテーション (必須) | 所属によって異なります。 (渡日前案内のメールに添付) | ・履修登録、研究登録 ・授業料の支払い(該当者のみ) etc… |
JASSOオリエンテーション (JASSO受給者のみ) | 日にち:2025年4月4日(金) 時間:9:30 場所:2H201 (アクセス) | ・受給証明書 ・銀行口座開設方法 |
図書館オリエンテーション | (準備中) | For International Students | 筑波大学附属図書館 |
オリエンテーション | 日時、場所 | |
到着オリエンテーション (JASSOオリエンテーション) | 到着日の翌営業日の営業時間内に、チューターと一緒に 学生交流課(1A棟1階 101)に来てください。 なるべく来訪時間を事前に知らせてください。 | ・営業時間: 平日9:00~11:30、13:30~16:30 (土・日・祝休み) ・1A棟1階 101:アクセス |
支援室オリエンテーション | 到着オリエンテーション後、すぐに支援室へ行ってください。 |
10.JASSO Scholarship/JASSO奨学金
(Only for JASSO Scholars)
※As for information about the result, please see “Exchange Student Status Information” which we send you with CoE and a letter of acceptance.
You may lose your eligibility for being a scholarship recipient and the stipent must be returned to JASSO should any of the following occur:
・If a student is no longer meets the conditions of the scholarship.
・If a student cannot sign to prove their enrollment at the university every month.
Details | |
Monthly Stipend | 80,000yen |
Payment schedule | Schedule is here. (Coming soon…) ※Please note that the monthly stipend for the first month will be paid one month later due to accounting procedures. ※In case you can’t visit our office and sign for the month or you need to close your bank account before the final payment, please let us know immediately for a necessary cancellation procedure. |
Documents to be submitted | JASSO Questionnaire –BEFORE you return to your home university If you fail to submit it before leaving Tsukuba, you will not receive your official transcript / Certificate. Credit Transfer Report –AFTER you return to your home country. Submit it upon completion of credit transfer in your home university. |
※JASSO奨学金の結果は、CoEや受入許可書と併せて送付した「Exchange Student Status Information」にて通知しています。
詳細 | |
月額 | 80,000円 |
スケジュール | スケジュールはこちら(準備中) ※会計手続きの関係上、最初の月の奨学金は次の月の支給になります。 ※オフィスに来て署名ができない場合や最終月の支払いの前に口座を解約する場合は、返還手続きが必要ですので 早急に連絡してください。 |
提出書類 | 留学前・留学後報告書 -帰国前 つくばを出発する前に提出されない場合、成績証明書や修了証明書は発行されません。 取得単位報告書 -帰国後 在籍大学で単位互換が完了したら提出 |
11.Arrival Day Flow/到着当日の流れ
▶For students who enroll in April 2025
Arrival procedures at the airport (university’s shuttle bus information can be found from here.)
Step1. Upon arrival at the airport, please notify your arrival to your tutor.
Step2. Transport to Tsukuba.
Narita/Haneda Airport▶▶▶
Highway bus or public transportation
Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal▶▶▶
University Circular Bus
Ichinoya Short-Stay House
Administration Office
Step.3 Complete move-in procedures at the Ichinoya Short-Stay House
For enrollment OTHER than April/October: Ichinoya SSH Administration Office (1st Floor, Building No.35).
Office Hour:9:00am~5:00pm (except weekends and public holidays)
▶For students who enroll in April 2025
Please visit the following building for move-in procedure at the Ichinoya Residence Hall from 9:00 to 17:00.
Move-in on April 1 and April 2: Building No. 34, 1st floor
Move-in on April 3rd onwards: Building No. 35, 1st floor (Ichinoya residence hall administration office)
・If your flight is delayed or cancelled, please contact your tutor and us.
・If you miss the check-in time, you will have to stay overnight at your own expense.
空港到着時のご案内 (大学手配のシャトルバス情報はこちらからご覧ください。)
ステップ1. 空港に到着したらチューターに到着報告を行う。
ステップ2. 空港からつくばまで移動する。
ステップ3. 一の矢ショートステイハウスの入居手続きを行う。
4月、10月以外の受入時:一の矢ショートステイハウス管理事務室 (35号棟1階) 受付時間:午前9時から午後5時(土日祝を除く)
4月1日、2日入居:一の矢SSH 34号棟1階
4月3日以降入居: 一の矢SSH 35号棟1階 (一の矢学生宿舎管理事務室)
12.After Arrival/到着後の手続き
Please refer the page here for the procedures after arrival.