To start campus life in University of Tsukuba,
there are procedures exchange students need to complete.
Various procedures / 各種手続きについて
<Arrival Orientation spring 2025 by Division of Student Exchange 学生交流課2025春到着オリエンテーション>
Date/日にち:April 4, 2025 2025年4月4日
Time/時間:10:00am (Reception/受付:9:45am~)
Materials for Arrival Orientation 到着オリエンテーションの資料
・Arrival Orientation Guide for Short-term Program Students
・Important Notice
・Tsukuba City Hall/What you need to do when moving to Tsukuba City (English/日本語) 公開期限:4月11日(金)
・Other Materials/その他資料
<Orientation by Academic Service Office 支援室オリエンテーション>
For dates and more information, please see the attachment to “Information before your arrival” e-mail.
<JASSO Orientation> (Only for JASSO scholarship recipient)
Date/日にち:April 4, 2025 2025年4月4日
Please check information on JASSO sent to you separately in advance.
At the Arrival Orientation Reception Desk, you will receive your scholarship certificate which is required for bank account opening, and you will be asked to sign for the month of April.
The certificate will be required to open a bank accont in Japan. Please be sure to arrive on site punctually.
JASSO Scholarship/JASSO奨学金
①Introduction (How to Open and Register a Bank Account)/はじめに(銀行口座開設・登録方法)
Please read this page carefully and follow the procedures to start receiving the scholarships.
②Important Notes/重要事項
There are rules for receiving scholarships. Please be sure to check here.
③Scholarship Schedule/奨学金スケジュール
Please check the schedule of the signing period and transfer dates.
④Report Submission/報告書提出
Submission reports is compulsory for all JASSO scholarship recipients.
1.Completion Report –BEFORE you return to your home university/留学前・留学後報告書-在籍大学への戻る前
2.Credit Transfer Report-AFTER you return to your home country./単位互換報告書-在籍大学へ戻った後
Submission Form:https://forms.office.com/r/qvBbfuyzTq
Submission of Information Entry Form and ID card images /
Please check here for submission method. 提出方法はこちらをご確認ください。
Submission of Information Entry Form and ID card images / 短期留学生情報入力フォームと身分証画像の提出について
Issuance of Certificates / 証明書の発行について
Please refer to ”How to request Certificates” and apply to us via email.
For Student Tutors / チューターの皆様
Thank you very much for taking the role of tutor for exchange students.
Please check information on tasks of tutor for short-term exchange students in advance.
①提出書類・チューターマニュアルについて/Forms and Manual for Tutor
Please refer to the page here for the forms to be completed by tutors and the Tutor Manual.
If you have any questions about the forms, please contact the Academic service office where your exchange student’s College/program belong to.
②チューター業務の流れについて/Tutor’s work flow
Step1. 短期留学生に連絡を取る/Conatact your exchange student
About 2 weeks before their arrival*, we will provide your exchange student information by email. Upon receive the email, please contact your exchange student.
*Start in April:Mid-March, in Ocotber:early September, other month:2 weeks before start month.
For your reference, please check the pre-departure information for exchange students.
Step.2 オリエンテーションに参加する/attend Orientation
Please attend Arrival Orientation by Division of Student Exchange and Orientation by Academic Service Office with your student.
We recommend that you meet with the international students once before the orientation so that you can meet up with them smoothly.
For each orientation information, please check the attachment file in the email sent as Step 1.
※If you are not able to attend them, please contact each department in charge in advance.
Step.3 各種手続きや生活立ち上げのサポートをする/Support for procedures and life start-up
特にImportant Noticeに記載されていることが完了しているかご確認してください。
Please click here for an overview of support details.
In particular, please make sure that your student have completed what is stated in the Important Notice.
Please plan not to exceed the specified request time for tutor’s support.
到着日・入居日の対応 Support on Arrival and Move-in | 入国時の空港や宿泊先での出迎えについては、万一学生から要請があった場合でも応じる必要はありません。 | Please do not accept any requests from exchange students to meet them at the airport when they enter Japan or to visit them at their hotels. |
入居時の出迎えも必要ありません。入居手続きは現地スタッフのサポートのもと留学生本人が行います。(4月、10月受入学生) | Tutors do not need to pick up the student when their moving-in. The moving-in procedure is done by the international student himself/herself with the support of the Accommodation staff. (For April / October) | |
市役所での手続きについて Support on Procedures at the City Hall | 留学生自身で市役所へ行き手続きをしていただきます。送迎や付き添いは不要です。 | Exchange students are responsible for the procedures themselves. |
銀行口座の開設 Bank account opening | 銀行には必ず留学生と同行してください。 銀行口座開設するの際の注意事項はこちらをご覧ください。 | Please accompany with your student when visiting bank. Please click here for more information on opening a bank account. |