We need collaborators for the IMAGINE THE 海外 (International Exchange Festival)!
The “International Exchange Fest “IMAGINE THE 海外(kaigai/overseas)“” aims to make our university a more global and international environment!
At this event, both Japanese and international students can enjoy and learn from each other!
Date: December 11th, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 10:00-15:00
Venue: University Hall (Daigaku Kaikan MAP)
The purposes of this event are the following:
(1) Learn about the culture of international students’ home countries (regions) worldwide!
(2) Learn about the different partner universities overseas!
(3) Internationalize your university life!
(4) Get information that will lead you to study abroad in the future!
(5) Have fun!
Event site: ”IMAGINE THE 海外.” -筑波大学 国際交流フェス2023
We are looking for collaborators!
Would you like to help us introduce your home university (for exchange students) or your home country?
This is your opportunity!

How to collaborate:
Please introduce your home university/country through any of the following ways:
・Poster Session:
One poster per university. Create a poster in vertical A1 size, and submit the data to the Student Support Center in advance (printing to be done by the Student Support Center). If possible, try to be near your poster during the event so you can explain it (not mandatory. You can just submit the poster and not join at the event)
Language: English and/or Japanese

One booth per country/region. You may participate if you are able to prepare the booth on Dec 8th (Fri) between 14:00~16:30 and handle the booth on the day of the event.
Language: English and/or Japanese

Prepared in PPT. The given presentation time is max. 10 minutes.
Language: English and/or Japanese
Last year’s presentations:
“Canada, the country of snow”
800年以上の歴史を持つ スペインのサラマンカ大学を、 ご紹介します!!”
“Experience the capital of Germany: Free University Berlin”
“Indonesia in 10 minutes”

Any individual or group performance (dance, music, workshop, etc.) is acceptable. Performance is expected to be made in the hall on the 3rd floor of the University Hall. The pre-meeting/rehearsal at the venue will be on Dec 8th (Fri) between 10:00~14:00.

How to apply:
Please submit the following form BY October 31st
If we receive more applicants than expected, we will select the participants by lottery.
スチューデントサポートセンター国際交流支援室/The Office of International Exchange Support, SSC
For inquiries: Title the inquiry “Question about [IMAGINE THE 海外.]”.