
Those Who Renew the Residence Card before Enrollment (Your current status of residence is other than “Student.” You need to change your status from “Others (Non-Student)” to “Student.”)

This page is for someone who has not enrolled in University of Tsukuba yet and plan to enroll soon.
(See here in case you already have enrolled in University of Tsukuba and have a student ID card)

You can apply for the change of residence status only between about 2 months before your retirement and within 3 months after your retirement. If you are applying to the immigration office outside of this period, please urgently consult with the Division of Student Exchange.
If you obtain a new residence card with the “Student” status, you will not be able to work even during the employment period. Please be careful as it will be illegal to work full-time under the “Student” residence status.

Conditions for proceeding before enrollment
■You have passed the entrance exam for the graduate or undergraduate school.
■You will enter the University of Tsukuba within 3 months.
■The period between the end date of the work contract from the workplace (in Japan) and enrollment at the University of Tsukuba is less than 3 months.

Those who enter as a research student at the University of Tsukuba
Research students can apply for residence card renewal only after the enrollment. Contact us in case the current residence card expires just before or right after the enrollment and you do not have enough time to complete the procedures.   

▼Click for the details

Step1 Collect the Required Documents

  Check the List and start collecting them.
  Some documents should be requested from the university and may take some time to be issued. Please start preparing as soon as possible.

Step2 Go to the Immigration Bureau

  Once you have all the required documents, please go to the Immigration Bureau and apply as soon as possible. (Depending on the case, the immigration process may take anywhere from about 3 weeks to a few months to screen your documents.)

  There are several immigration offices. You should go to the immigration office that has jurisdiction over the address registered on your residence card. (Immigration Offices)
     If you live in Ibaraki→Tokyo Shinagawa Office, Ibaraki Mito Office
     If you live in Tokyo or other Kanto areas→Tokyo Shinagawa Office etc.

  You can also apply online using the Immigration’s Online Application System.
  ※You will need My Number card and IC card reader.
  (The university does not lend out card readers.)


Step3 Notify the Division of Student Exchange

  Once you submit the documents to the immigration office, please notify the university.
  If you are unable to use the link, you can also notify the office by Email (visa-shien@un.tsukuba.ac.jp).

Step4 Receive the New Residence Card

  When the screening process is completed, you will receive a postcard from the immigration office.
Please go to the immigration office by the deadline indicated on the postcard to receive your new residence card.
Make sure to bring a 4,000 yen revenue stamp with you.

  ※If you receive your new residence card after your enrollment at the University of Tsukuba, you need to submit a “Certificate of Enrollment” at the immigration office. You can get the certificate from the certificate issuing machine at your academic service office or the Student Plaza (2nd floor).

Step5 Submit a Copy of the New Residence Card (Front and Back Sides)

  ■How to submit (upload PDF files)
  In case you cannot submit via our system, please email the copies(visa-shien@un.tsukuba.ac.jp) or bring the copies to our office.
  ※We do not make copies at our office. Please make a copy yourself and bring it with you.

  ■If you are changing your address, register your new address on your residence card at the city hall.     Please register your newest address on TWINS after the enrollment.

Below are the required documents you need to submit to the immigration office. Generally, prospective students are responsible for preparing the documents themselves. However, some documents should be requested from the university and may take some time to be issued. Please start preparing as soon as possible.

▼Click for more details

➀Application Form (Applicant Part)

  Form  (3 pages)

②Application Form (University Part)

  Request the Division of Student Exchange to issue the document. It takes 1-2 weeks to be issued, so please apply as soon as possible.

   Submit the documents listed below 1-5. (6.7. if needed) to request issuance from the office.
   How to submit: E-mail (visa-shien@un.tsukuba.ac.jp) or send by post to our office.

  1. Request form for issuing 【Application Form (University Part)】
  2. A copy of Letter of Acceptance
  3. A copy of the current residence card (front and back sides)
  4. A copy of the valid passport (page of the face photo)
  5. A copy of Certificate of Retirement or Official Document indicating the employment period, etc. (in the case of changing from a work visa status).  
  6. An envelope with the required postage stamps for us to send
     (※In case you want to receive the “Application Form (University Part)” by post)
  7. Written pledge (ENJP)
     (※Only those who will enter as a research student)

  When the “Application Form (University Part)” is ready, we will email you. You can receive the document in person or by post.

  6.※In case you want to receive it by post, submit an envelope (write your name, address and zip code) and a postage stamp (sufficient to send 25g of paper). If the postage is insufficient, we will not send the documents.

  7.※Written pledge: If you will enter as a research student at the University of Tsukuba and need to apply for residence card renewal before the enrollment, please submit “Written pledge” to the Division of Student Exchange.

➂Proof of Financial Resource(s)

 Please prepare documents that clearly indicate the source of your living and tuition expenses, using the following as a reference. If a single document does not fully explain the flow of funds, please provide multiple documents. If the documents are not written in Japanese or English, please attach a Japanese or English translation. Your own translation is acceptable.

  ■Copy of the bankbook
   The past one year’s records, the front page of the bankbook, and the page with the account number
  ■Remittance certificate
   Request at your bank
  ■Written oath by financial your supporter
   Ask your financial supporter (e.g. parents) to write the oath following this format (sample)
  ■Statement of reason
   If you brought cash into the country and have no official proof of it, please explain the situation (A4-size, free format) sample

④Revenue Stamp of 4,000 yen

  You will need a revenue stamp of 4,000 yen to receive the new residence card.
You can buy the revenue stamp at a post office, convenience store or at the immigration office.
Put the revenue stamp on the form (exl, pdf) and submit at the immigration.


  You need to present a valid passport at the immigration office. Bringing only photocopies is unacceptable.

⑥Residence Card

  Present your Residence Card at the immigration office. Bringing only photocopies is unacceptable. Make sure your current address is officially written on the card. If not, register your newest address on your residence card at the city hall.

⑦Proof of Enrollment at the University of Tsukuba

  The required document depends on the type of program you will enroll in.

  For those who will enter a graduate program (master’s or doctoral)
  ■Copy of Letter of Acceptance
   (Enclosed with the entrance procedure documents)
  ■Certificate of Intention to Enter University
   (Request at “Graduate School Admission Section, Division of Admission, Department of Educational Promotion”)
    ✉ dai.daigakuinka@un.tsukuba.ac.jp
    ☎ 029-853-2230 or 029-853-2231

  For those who will enter a research student program
  ■Copy of Letter of Acceptance
   (Enclosed with the entrance procedure documents)

  For those who will enter a undergraduate program
  ■Copy of Letter of Acceptance
   (Enclosed with the entrance procedure documents)

⑧Certificate of Retirement or Official Document indicating the employment period, etc. (in the case of changing from a work visa status).  

  Get the following documents from your company or employer.
【If you are still employed】”Certificate of Employment” or “Contract showing employment period” 
【If you have already left】”Certificate of Retirement”

    A copy of ⑧ is required to process the 【②Application form (University Part)】issued by the Division of Student Exchange. Submit a copy to the Division of Student Exchange (by email or at the counter)

International Student Support
Division of Student Exchange
University of Tsukuba

(101, 1st Floor, 1A-Building)
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan MAP
✉ visa-shien@un.tsukuba.ac.jp
☎ 029-853-6084
Office hour: weekdays 9:00-17:00 (closed 12:15-13:15)

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