多文化共修 in ボルドー/フランス参加者募集のお知らせ/Announcement for application of Multicultural Co-learning in Bordeaux/France

多文化共修 in ボルドー/フランス参加者募集のお知らせ/Announcement for application of Multicultural Co-learning in Bordeaux/France

フランス ボルドー大学において 、 講義 ・ 生物資源に係る実験を通じて 当該国における 生物資源の特色や 地域性を学び、国際的な視野に立ったキャリア意識を醸成する 。参加者は「国際農業研修Ⅲ(EC41133)」または「Agricultural Internship Abroad Ⅲ (EG50023)」 を履修していただきます。 

Field study program University of Bordeaux, France under following objectives; 
1) To learn overview on biological resources and relates industries 
2) To discuss current issues relate d biological resources through seminar s and lecture provided by University of Bordeaux  

<Evolution of French agriculture: strategies to face climate change> 
This summer school, organised by the University of Bordeaux and the French National Institute for Agronomy and Environment (INRAE), provides participants with scientific insight regarding French agricultural challenges, with a focus on strategies to improve agricultural sustainability in order to address environmental issues such as climate change and food security. It is open to third year Bachelor students as well as first and second year Master students with a background in biology. 
During the two week session, students learn in a variety of ways thanks to: 
laboratory and practical sessions; 
experiences of agricultural reality, with visits of research laboratories, farms, fish farms, greenhouses, breeding companies, wine castles, etc.; 


7月7日~7月18日 July 7th – July 18th , 2025 
(日本出発は7月5または6日 Departure from Japan: July 5th or 6th,  
日本帰国は7月20または21日 Returning to Japan: July 20th or 21th)  


参加資格 Eligibility for participation 
・本学学群生 Current undergraduate students in University of Tsukuba 
Students who can understand the contents of lectures in the field of biology and have the basic knowledge to carry out experiments in the laboratory. 
・3年生以上を優先Priority given to third-year students and above 

費用 expenses  
Program participation fee in France (950euro) + airfare (about 250,000JPY as of April 27)  
Other expenses will be for meals, cost for transportation in Japan, Visa application fee. Students who participated all the program will be receiving 200,000 JPY from University as financial support for oversea travel after completion of the program.  

参加予定人数 expected number of participating students  

応募方法Application method  
〆切 4月5日正午☆ 

In case you have any questions/clarifications regarding this, please ask via email.

野村名可男 / スチューデントサポートセンター国際交流支援室 室長
Dr. NOMURA Nakao / Director, Division of International Exchange Support, SSC

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