【Fall Welcome Event / 秋新歓イベント】Tsuku・Koi 2024 開催のお知らせ

【Fall Welcome Event / 秋新歓イベント】Tsuku・Koi 2024 開催のお知らせ

The fall welcome event for international students “Tsuku・Koi” is making a comeback! There will be various student groups booth, fun activities and performances at the University Hall! Any student at the University of Tsukuba can join, so feel free to drop by! Let’s enjoy this event together!

留学生向けの秋新歓イベント「Tsuku・Koi 2024」を開催します!

September 30th, 11:20 AM (After the fall entrance ceremony) – 3:00 PM
9月30日 11:20 (入学式終了後) – 15:00

University Hall 2nd floor and 3rd floor
大学会館(2 階講堂横ホワイエ、3 階ホール前ホワイエ、 3 階ホール)

Hall Performance Timetable / ホール企画タイムテーブル:
12:00 – 12:20 University of Tsukuba Brazilian Student Association (AEBUT)
12:40 – 13:00 LATAM UT
13:20 – 13:40 落語研究会 / RAKUGO kenkyukai

Participating Organizations with Booths / ブース出展団体一覧:
Omochi Language Club
International relationship club CASA
LGBTQ+ Circle Nijihiro
Japan Malawi Youth Organization
筑波大学聖書部 / Tsukuba Christian Fellowship
Sports Club
TEDxイベント運営委員会 / TEDxUTsukuba
Association of Filipino Scholars in Tsukuba (FAST)
University of Tsukuba Korean Student Association
Indonesia Student Association in Ibaraki
Association of Central Asian Students (ACAS)
落語研究会 / RAKUGO kenkyukai
Association of African Students (AASUT)
University of Tsukuba Brazilian Student Association (AEBUT)
All Colleges Students’ Representative Council / 全代会
Student Support Center

主催: 全学学類・専門学群・総合学域群代表者会議(全代会)/  All Colleges Students’ Representative Council

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