CRICED (Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development) had an announcement about a symposium as below.
(English follows)
国境を越えた1か月間の東南アジア相互交換教育実習 SEA-Teacher プログラム報告会
今年は本シンポジウム内に特別セッションを設け、筑波大学がSEAMEOと共に推進する「国境を越えた1か月間の東南アジア相互交換教育実習 SEA-Teacher プログラム説明会」を実施します。
なお、今年のシンポジウム全体テーマは「21 世紀型教育課程実施 25 年を振り返り、⽣成型 AI 時代の教育課題を探る」です。シンポジウムは2月27・28日にわたって開催されますので、ご興味のある方はこちらへの参加も歓迎します!
Let’s learn about the unique international co-curricular program at the University of Tsukuba!
One-Month Cross-border Educational Training in Southeast Asia – SEA-Teacher Project Briefing Session
The University of Tsukuba, together with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), holds an annual symposium to share expert opinions on pressing international educational issues in the Southeast Asian region.
This year, a special session will be held within this symposium to explain the SEA-Teacher Program, a month-long cross-border educational exchange program in Southeast Asia that the University of Tsukuba is promoting with SEAMEO.
We will invite students sent to Southeast Asia, students accepted from Southeast Asia, and teachers from the host school in Japan to share the appeal of the program. Japanese-English interpretation will be provided, so please feel free to attend!
The overall theme of this year’s symposium is “Challenges and Ways Forward in the Era of Generative AI with Reflection on 25 Years of 21st Century Education.” The symposium will be held on February 27 and 28, and those who are interested are also welcome to attend this symposium!
For more details, please refer to the flyer.
You can also find us on the Ministry of Education Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/minnnanoglobal/
