ASIA Linkから、留学生向けの合同企業面談会について案内がありました。参加申し込みや問い合わせは以下の案内を参照してください。ASIA Link has sent a notice regarding job fair for International students. Please refer to the following information for registration and inquiries.
*English translation follows after Japanese.
━━社長と面談!外国人留学生のための合同企業面談会「社長LIVE 2025」のご案内━━
問合せ→ ASIA Link (E-MAIL: TEL:042-312-1074)
第一部 9:30~12:30(海外営業・国際業務職を希望する留学生が対象)
第二部 14:00~17:00(エンジニア・技術職を希望する留学生が対象)
黒田精工(株) 黒田社長 ※先端技術の精密機械・精密部品メーカー
日本製線(株) 川添社長 ※LANケーブル、電子部品メーカー
ユニパルス(株) 玉久社長 ※高精度のセンサー、ロボットメーカー
(株)オフテクスホールディングス 米田社長 ※コンタクトレンズ用ケア用品メーカー
日本オートマチックマシン(株) 水野社長 ※精密機械、電子部品メーカー
テックプロジェクトサービス(株)小原社長 ※プラントエンジニアリング
半田重工業(株)新美社長 ※輸送用機器メーカー
※ASIA Linkは厚生労働省認可の職業紹介事業所です。留学生から料金をいただくことはありません。
To International Students:
■━━Chance to meet Companies’ Presidents! Special job fair for International students “President(shacho) LIVE 2025”━━■
Link for Application Form→
Contact → ASIA Link (E-MAIL: TEL:042-312-1074)
☆Presidents of global manufacturers who are expanding their business to various countries such as ASIA, Europe, U.S.A., etc. will participate in this event.
☆You can talk directly with presidents of companies that are actively recruiting international students.
☆One out of every four participants receives a job offer through this event!
■Date & Time: Wed, 13, March 2024
Part 1: 9:30-12:30 (for international students who wish to work in overseas sales and international business) Part 2: 14:00-17:00 (for international students who wish to work in engineering and technical fields)
■Venue: Online (using Zoom)
*Graduation dates: April, 2024 ~ March, 2025
・Humanities & Social Sciences (all majors)
・Science & Engineering (mechanics, electrical/electronics, chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, materials, physics, architecture, etc.)
■Entry Fee: For FREE
■Application and Details:
*You can also see president interview and job descriptions!
■Available Positions
Part 1 (9:30-12:30): Overseas sales, overseas marketing, procurement, production management, logistics/trading, etc.
Part 2 (14:00-17:00): R&D, design, production engineering, quality assurance, etc.
■Attending Presidents
・President Kuroda, KURODA SEIKO *Manufacturer of precision machinery and precision components with cutting-edge technology
・President Kawazoe, NIPPON SEISEN *Manufacturer of LAN cables and electronic components
・President Tamahisa, UNIPULSE *Manufacturer of high-precision sensors and robots
・President Yoneda, OPHTECS *Manufacturer of contact lens care products
・President Mizuno, JAPAN AUTOMATIC MACHINE *Manufacturer of precision machinery and electronic components
・President Obara, TECH PROJECT SERVICE *Plant engineering for sustainable facilities.
・President Niimi, HANDA HEAVY MACHINERY *Manuracturer of hydraulic cylinder, Image inspection devices Others
※ASIA Link is authorized by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Students will not be charged.
※Student’s personal information will only be used for Employment Support, and 100% confidential.
