We are pleased to announce that the University of Tsukuba MBA-IB has announced a short online program with the University of Illinois Urbana – Champaign.
Associate Professor Dr. Caroline S.L. Tan
Graduate School of Business Sciences
University of Tsukuba
Email Address: caroline.tan.gf*u.tsukuba.ac.jp(メールを送る際は*を@に変更してください)
MBA-IB has a short program with the University of Illinois Urbana – Champaign that will be 100% online from Oct. 4 – 17.
Students will be placed into groups with the American students to help come up with a proposal that will be presented to the management of a selected Japanese company.
As such, any Master level students (both Japanese and International) are welcome to sign up for this program. It is free and the students will get a certificate from the University of Illinois Urbana – Champaign.
Please contact the person in charge (the contact information is as below) directly if you are interested to join.
Contact Information:
Associate Professor Dr. Caroline S.L. Tan
Graduate School of Business Sciences
University of Tsukuba
Ene.tan.gf*u.tsukuba.ac.jp (Please change ”*” to “@” when you send an email.)
