【Important notice】 Intensive Japanese Language course

【Important notice】 Intensive Japanese Language course


This is to introduce you a two-day intensive Japanese Language course “XJ20182 Japanese for Career Support B” (XJ20182 キャリア支援と日本語B).

If you are thinking of working in Japan, this might be a good opportunity.

Regular students who have not been taking Japanese language classes this academic year can take this course. (Non-degree students can not register this course.)

The course will be offered in AY2024 Fall  1/25(Sat.), 1/26(Sun.) 1 – 5 periods. If you are interested, please check the course information on KdB.

Registration period on TWINS: Dec 20-Jan 23 (Thursday.)

(If you have questions about course registration, please contact your academic service office.)

BHE (Bureau of Human Empowerment)

University of Tsukuba

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