日本のNPO、NGOでの留学生インターン希望者登録受付中Registration for international student internship applicants is now open

日本のNPO、NGOでの留学生インターン希望者登録受付中Registration for international student internship applicants is now open

ACT’s grant Program for Acceptance of Asian International Student Interns is accepting registrations of students until May 31, 2024. For more details, please see the following webpages of ACT (written in Japanese).


How to register (for students. Registration available until May 31, 2024)

How to apply grants to ACT (for non-profit organizations in Japan. Deadline of accepting grant application is June 25, 2024)







The special fund of Asian Community Trust (ACT) ”Support Fund for Asian Students in Japan” was established in January 2012 to support international students from Asia who are enrolled in Japanese universities (regular undergraduate and graduate students) through internships at private non-profit organizations in Japan, to provide them with experiences that they cannot gain at university, such as on-site experience in dealing with new trends and issues in Japanese society and direct interaction with people in local communities. The purpose of this program is to provide international students from Asia (regular undergraduate and graduate students) enrolled in Japanese universities with experiences that they cannot obtain at university through internships at private non-profit organizations in Japan, including on-the-job experience in dealing with new trends and issues in Japanese society and direct interaction with people in local communities, to deepen their understanding of Japan, and to contribute to the development of social development projects by applying the knowledge and skills acquired through internships in their home societies in the future. To date, 173 international students from 15 Asian countries and regions have completed internships at 101 organizations (as of April 2024). Based on the purpose of the Fund, ACT will provide grants to Japanese Non profit organizations and Non government organizations (NGO/NPO) and other private non-profit organizations that accept international students from Asia (undergraduate and graduate students) as interns.


 公益信託アジア・コミュニティ・トラスト(ACT)は、日本初の募金型(コミュニティ型)公益信託として 1979 年に設立。設立以来、日本の個人や法人の皆様の信託金(寄付金)を基に、アジア 15 カ国・地域の現地 NGO が実施する事業 842 件に、総額約 9 億 2,100 万円の支援を実施してきました。 (2023年 3 月末現在)。事務局は、(特活)アジア・コミュニティ・センター21(ACC21)がつとめています。(詳しくは ACT のウェブサイト https://act- trust.org/ をご覧ください。)

「アジア留学生インターン受入れプログラム」担当 鈴木、石山
〒113-8642 東京都文京区本駒込2-12-13 アジア文化会館1階 


TEL: 03-3945-2615 FAX: 03-3945-2692 E-mail: asip-act@acc21.org
URL: https://act-trust.org

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