University of Tsukuba will hold a meeting for exchanging opinions with Mr. Filippo Grandi, High Commissioner, UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency and UT students.
If you are interested in refugee issues and UN activities, your participation will be very much appreciated.
Students wishing to participate in the meeting are requested to apply in advance.
第11代国連難民高等弁務官 フィリッポ・グランティ氏の来学にあたり、学生との意見交換会を開催します。
Date 日付: Friday, October 20 10月20日(金)
Time 時間: 12:50-13:40
Place 場所: meeting room, 1st floor, Administration Center Annex
Language 言語: English 英語
Participants 対象: Students 学生
Number of applicants 募集人数: 20
(accepted on first-come-first basis 先着順)
How to apply : Applications are now closed as the number of applicants has been reached.Please apply with the online form (or the poster QR code).
申込方法:募集人員に達したため、申し込みは締切ました。オンラインフォーム (又はポスターQRコード)から申込みください。
*Applications will be closed when capacity is reached.
Contact & Inquiries 連絡先・問い合わせ 学生交流課(留学生交流)
