
新たに海外から入国する留学生の皆さんへ / Dear New International Students

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〇 学生宿舎・アパート情報

〇 羽田・成田空港から筑波大学へのアクセス

〇 入国に関して質問がある場合は、以下にご連絡下さい。
 ・連絡先:学生交流課 ryu-support#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (#を@に変換してください)

Before departure,

please check the latest border measures from the websiteCurrent Japanese Border Measuresby Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

<Other post-entry procedures>

〇 In-Campus Residence Hall and Apartment information
If you’d like to apply for the Residence Halls, please refer to the guide.

〇 Access Information from Tokyo Haneda/Narita Airport to Tsukuba

〇 Contact
If you have any questions regarding entering procedure, please contact us.
Student Support Center: ryu-support#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (replace#to@)

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